Season 3 of Arrow just ended last night, and I feel ... nervous. Because heroes don't get the happy ending, or if they do, you know there's a major catastrophe on the horizon. Or, perhaps more likely, the characters you've been waiting to get together will end up breaking up off-screen before the start of the next season.
I think that this was part of the reason I was so terrified to write the third book in The Ever Series. Because it felt like no matter where I turned, it would end badly. And then, one day, I just knew how it would end.
I love how the sun is setting behind them in this last shot. On the other hand, to me, it's a big, flashing warning sign that says: We're gonna yank your happy ending right out from under you, so don't get too happy. Or is that just me?
On that note, I'm done rambling about Arrow ... until next season. For now, it's back to my latest book. Right now the first two chapters are available on!